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Writer's pictureFarjad Khan

Creating an Order

Updated: Sep 30

Creating an order is the first step in the journey from idea to reality. We strive to make the process of capturing design intent as simple as possible.

An order in Authentise has two main components

  • Order Summary - Details about who is placing the order, where it's going, and what it's for.

  • Line Item(s) - Details about each geometry that is going to be printed. Each Line Item will be based on a single geometry file and contains a number of parameters to ensure the printed item is what you're looking for (quantities, materials, workflows, and custom specifications).

When you create a new order you will first be asked to specify Order level details. After completing the required fields, you will click the Add Line Items button to create an order and have the opportunity to begin adding geometries to your order.

After scrolling past the order summary, you will be able to create a line item by selecting a model file and specifying the required Line Item parameters. When you are happy with your specifications, press the Save CAD File button. Note: You will want to add a line item for every unique combination of model geometry and parameters necessary to fulfill your order. 

After adding a Line Item you will see the Line Item beneath the Order Summary and will be able to review and adjust the parameters for that object. You may also export the Line Item's model file or any other uploaded Additional Documents by clicking their file's hyperlinked name. 

Checking the Mesh Viability of the Model

Once an STL model has been added to the order, the MES automatically analyses the data to ensure viability for printing. If an error is detected, the system will flag this as Unprintable in the Mesh Quality field. 

Mesh Healing functionality is an additional process that can be added to your bureau. Where this feature is available, you will have the option to Heal Mesh. Upon clicking this button, the MES will automatically run an algorithm which will endeavour to repair and correct any issues detected within the STL file, therefore making that model printable. Although most errors are able to be automatically resolved, it should be noted that some errors are unable to be fixed via this functionality. 

Where a file was successfully healed, the line item will indicate that it has been repaired.

Line Items without Models

If you have opted to allow Line Items to be created without a Model (we have enabled No Model Upload for you), please note that these Line Items are treated a bit differently. While a Line Item without a Model remains in the status Pending, you are able to upload a model for that Line Item. This is great if you do not have a model on hand when you are creating an Order or if the model is going to be created within a Prep Workflow or business process.

You may also choose to never upload a model for this line item but still keep it as a record of some sort of work.  See below for more details on how that is done.

Setting a Line Item without a Model to Status Confirmed and Completed

This is an allowed change within the system though we expect it to be fairly rare. Typically this may be for tracking some unspecified work effort that occurred or for managing the production of something that you cannot upload into the system. The Line Item will act as a placeholder where you can record notes and details about how you would have produced the Pieces but it is important to realize that these pieces will NOT go through our Runs process. Line Items without a Model must be progressed to the status Complete by changing the Line Item's status within its respective Order. 

We are always expanding the capabilities of our Order Acceptance process. If you have any suggestions, please contact!

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