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Writer's pictureFarjad Khan

How to make your 3D / CAD / CAM tools deployable with Authentise

If you want to create a 3D / CAD / CAM tool that will be deployed within Authentise, you will need to following steps described below.


We have described how you will install docker for your platform, create a dockerfile and tag the associated image to upload to dockerhub. This will be shared with an authorized Authentise user to be deployed along with our other services.


Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Install docker and docker-compose on the machine where you will be building the 3D / CAD / CAM tool

    a. On mac run brew install docker and brew install docker-compose you can also install docker desktop

    b. On linux you can follow dockers installation steps

    c. Windows is not recommended

  2. Create a repo in dockerhub that will be used to push the image to. This can be a public or private repo.

    a. If the docker image is private you must invite an authorized Authentise user to your organization

    b. You can follow dockers docs on inviting members We will provide you the docker user to add when you reach this step

    c. Once we are added to your organization the user must be added to a team. You can follow dockers docs on this

    d. Once the user is added to a team make sure to grant that team Read-only or higher permissions on the newly created repo. Additional information can be found in docker docs

  3. Create a Dockerfile for your 3D / CAD / CAM tool so that it can be run as a container/service. Please make sure to follow best practice

    a. Build a container from the Dockerfile. In the dir where the Dockerfile is present run docker build -t <your_org>/<your_repo>:<tag> . This will build a container and tag the image

    b. You may have to log into your dockerhub this can be done with docker login you will be prompted for your username and password. Additional information can be found in docker docs Make sure the user you're using has Read & Write permissions to the dockerhub repo.

    c. Once the container has been built verify that it works as expected. docker run -d <image_from_build_command>

    d. If the container passes your testing you can push it to your dockerhub repo. If you go to your repo in dockerhub and view the general tab the push command will be there for you to use. It will look like docker push <your_org>/<your_repo>:tagname. Make sure to push the image that you tagged in step 3.a

  4. Now that you have pushed an image and granted Authentise access to the dockerhub repo, please contact Authentise with the image to use to deploy your 3D / CAD / CAM tool.

    a. If your Dockerfile did not include extra arguments like ports, mounts, etc. and they were instead used in the run command like --expose, -p, --mount etc. please also provide us the run command that you used to start the container.

We recognize that each software may have unique constraints and cases that will need to be accommodated and intend for this to be general guidance. If you plan to embark on the process, give us a shout when your starting up by emailing, we would love to work with you on this project!

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