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Writer's pictureFarjad Khan

Supported Browsers and Operating Systems

Updated: Sep 30

The Authentise MES is supported by multiple pieces of software and each has its own group of supported browsers and operating systems. We strive to make this list as comprehensive as possible. If you do not see your preferred browser or OS and would like to chat, reach out at



Supported Web Browsers

Supported Operating Systems


MES Web Application

Firefox, Safari, Chrome (Latest Versions)

N/A, reliant on the web browser that is being used


Mobile-Friendly Web Application

Firefox, Safari, Chrome (Latest Versions)

Android 13+, iOS16+*

(Please see OS configuration instructions to ensure your device is properly permissioned)


Machine Connectivity Support Application


Windows 10+

Please download one of the following web browsers from the links below.

Known iOS Limitations for QR App

Currently, when using an iOS device, the QR app is only able to be used with Safari. This is due to OS-level constraint that prevents API access to third-party browsers operating on iOS devices. If this is changed by Apple, we may be able to expand the browsers that can run the QR app on iOS devices.

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