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Writer's pictureFarjad Khan

Work Instructions

Updated: Sep 30

Production Workflows enable you to create lists of standard and customized production processes, each with its own individual steps and Work Instructions. These Work Instructions enrich your ability to guide the operator through each step and ensure that every piece will undergo each printing and post-processor step to the desired customizations you've set in the order you specified. This eliminates the need to create additional production workflows as Work Instructions can be made to address any minor differences among certain pieces.

In addition to creating a more tailored production flow, you can require the operator to provide data during processing such as pictures, documents, and much more. By having Work Instructions with built-in checks for quality assurance purposes, you can guarantee that these pieces not only meet your requirements but also allow you to quickly address any undesired outcomes in real time.

Getting Started

Check out all 3 locations where Work Instructions can be added below!

1. Printer/Post Processor Type & Shipping Partner

After creating a Printer/Post Processor Type or Shipping Partner, you can find the option to add steps to the Work Checklist on the right. 

2. Production Workflow level

After creating a Production Workflow, you will see the option to add Work Instructions to a desired process step.

3. Customizing workflows at the line item level

After specifying the Production Workflow for your Line Item, you have the option to view and edit the Work Instructions for that specific workflow. Note: any changes made to the workflow at the Line Item level will not be made to the general workflow.

Adding Individual Work Instruction Steps:

To start adding individual Work Instruction steps, click the Add Step button.  Each step consists of a few fields, detailed below:

Work Instruction Step Description (Required): A text field that allows you to describe the step. The description is your opportunity to request information from or communicate a direction to the Operator responsible for executing these Work Instructions.

Report Type (Required):  This is the type of data that the Operator can record as a response to the Work Instruction's Description. A full list of Report Types can be seen above. An example may be requesting an operator measure the Build Plate thickness and the Report Type would be a number.

Units (Optional): For numerical Report Types, you may specify a unit to further specify the data collected by the Operator. Supported measurements at this time include units, mm, cm, in, g, kg, lb. If you want any units added to this list, please contact

Required (Optional): By checking the required option, you are enforcing that the QR Operator must respond with a valid response to the Work Instruction before they may complete the run in the QR app. 

Thresholds (Optional): For Report Types of Text and Number, we have introduced a number of Threshold options to further validate your Operator's responses to Work Instructions.

Threshold Action (Optional): As a response to the data being entered by your operators, you may elect to have the QR application Warn, Error, or Send to NC if the entered data falls outside of the specified Threshold. 

  • Show Warning: this option will show a warning to the QR operator informing them that the value they have entered falls outside the Threshold. You may still proceed to the next Work Instruction.

  • Show Error: this option will result in an error message stating that the entered value falls outside of the defined Threshold. This run will not progress until a valid value is submitted into the Work Instruction data field.

  • Send to NC: you may confirm sending the piece to the NC Review Board when the entered value falls outside the Threshold. This will generate a Run for the Nonconformance Review Process (containing the piece and performed at that Location's Nonconformance Review workstation). In addition, you will have the option to split the workflow schedule and separate any remaining pieces into their own run(s) so that manufacturing can continue without delay.

  • Notify Owner by Email: send an email to the owner of the order if the value falls outside of the specified Threshold.

If a Threshold is specified but no Action button is selected, the QR Operator will not be alerted within the QR app if their values exceed a specified Threshold. Authentise will record the outcome of the Report in comparison against this Threshold and this value will be available via our API.

Link for instructions (Optional): Allows planners to provide a link for additional resources for the Work Instruction step. 

Now that you have specified all of your desired Work Instructions, click save!

Work Instruction Reports

Need to track the values that were inputted for these Work Instructions? Authentise allows you to access your Work Instruction Reports in two convenient locations!

The first location is the Traceability Report for that specific piece: Plan > Pieces > Select Piece > Traceability Report > Work Instruction Report Events filter.

When applying this filter, you will be able to see which user inputted the value for that individual Work Step, including the date/time. You also have the option to download this Traceability Report by clicking the Export Report button on the right.

Looking for more detailed information such as the report type and threshold action? Access the Work Instructions Report through the following API endpoint!

Upon pasting this URL, you will receive the following page breaking down each piece by its respective order, workflow, run, etc. After parsing through this code to find your specific piece, locate work_instructions_summary where each Work Instruction for that piece has been sectioned off by brackets { }. The value (report_content) inputted for each work instruction can be found within these sections as well as the step description, report type, and any threshold notification that was set.

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