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Flows is Easy to Deploy
offering security and convenience

Trusted by big brands, with on-prem and privately hosted options.

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Stay Connected

Slack channels for developer relations


99.97% and response time promise in Service Level Agreement.


Operational for 12+ years. Trusted by big brands.

Highly Secure Systems
to Protect Data

Our system undergoes bi-annual, external white-hat penetration tests. Deployment options for on-premise or on a managed cloud. Integrate your users with SSO.

Endless integration possibilities thanks
to Authentise API

Flows integrates with ERP, CAD and PLM, including our very own Threads. Purchase orders, production updates and design updates are all fed into our system and ouropen API enables further integrations.

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Less tools to manage and monitor

Before Authentise, Boeings pre-production was managed by emails and spreadsheets and relied a lot on templates.

Our system made a lot of their former tools redundant and improved their use of templates. Their pre-production time and spend were reduced by 90%. Read more.

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Codeless Automation
at your Fingertips

Enable operators to create their own alerts, dashboards and more!

Don't allow Faults to slow you down

What once consumed hours of technician time now takes minutes. Save resources and enhance productivity.

Vast achieved 99.6% reduction in Manual Consumable Tracking and 100% reduction in Down Time due to Lack of Consumables. Read more.

dentify the precise stage that led to a fault in a part/product, with all error codes displayed centrally.

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Keep your data safe


Create your own corporate account on our servers and start using all Authentise services nearly immediately, at no extra cost. Get access to value added services based on data, as well as early access to new features.

Cloud (ITAR)

Shared Server on specifically secured ITAR server. Highly secure thanks to the Enhanced Security Module.

Managed Private Cloud Instance

We set up 3Diax on a separate instance for you - available either on ITAR servers or standard. Your data is not only logically separated from other user's data, but also by server. We're also able to VPN tunnel in.

Private Cloud

We set up 3Diax for you on your own cloud servers (AWS or Azure), and are a guest on your servers to assist with maintenance. This is likely to address all but the most arduous IT policies, and you must perform your own upgrades and maintenance.

Local Deployment

We install 3Diax on your servers in your datacenter and ensure it works in your environment with your IT team. This offers complete adherence to even the most arduous IT policies, but it takes time and there are quite a few Install Requirements.

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Talk to us about your specific situation - we're happy to address. Deployment has never been the reason why we weren't able to work with a potential partner.

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